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  • Writer's pictureLay Siong

Houdini Vines Growth - 03

Small updates.

Over here, i was trying subdivide and re mesh on the box to get a more complex grid but it still look too systemic for the vines to grow along with it.So, I planning to change the node over here to scatter point. It is because Scatter point given a more random point to give a more organic look but i will have to convert it back to polygon in order for the node findshortpath to work on it.

For the starting and ending point, i used bounding box instead. So i could grad a couple of point and let them grow to any start to each end. I wan multiple of vines grow upwards for now.

Without Fuse.

With Fuse

So over here, use the smooth node to smoothie the curve since i am going for something more organic. To keep thing cleanlier , a fuse used here, to fuse some of the path together.

Inside the width point VOP.

Width of the vines, is not working properly. At first, i thought could be my mesh being too small but i check against the geometry Spreadsheet, the width is all the same. So most likely, the problem lying in the poly wire Wire Radius where a expression @width is given to it. I figure it out in the next updates.

End Result.

Credit to the tutorial video: - Ben Watts: shortest path growth.

Some thought and notes:

There are thing that can be improve, like vines overlapping each other. The branching out of the vines, maybe i could time shift to delay some of the growth of the vines. From this current one, the vines kind of lose it as it is unable to grow on the edge of the box due the re mesh. So i will have figure some other way out.

If the vines will to grow from the top, how can i make dripping vines(hanging vines). I thought of maybe creating a bound box to the mesh which is input where the user will have some control on the bound box.

That all for my updates.

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