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  • Writer's pictureLay Siong

Houdini Vines Growth - 02

Sorry for the late updates, suppose to update this earlier. Here is stuff that i did for past few month that i have missed.

The End Result

Firstly, i created a leaf within houdini. Using grid and edit to get the leaf shape i wanted then transform it to the end of the tip of the leaf. Then create a Leaf stem(sorry to name the node wrongly, suppose to to be stem instead of Steam) and adding a twist so it will be taper.

After that i went out to create another geo where i will be creating the vines and the leaf will be attached to the vines.

On the left side, is the part where i throw the leaf into this Geo Node. Using Twist1 and transform_scale to animate the leaf to grow out from their pivot point. Timeshift to change the animation timing of the Leaf Blooming out from the stem.

On the right side, i used the curve to create the stem which is actually quite similar with the first updated i did except there was a part where i have to sort and reserve the point to get the vines stem to grow from thick to thin. Then merge then together.

Then merge both the leaf and stem together and make multiple copy of it.

There a lots of catching up, i will have to do on this project. Will be updating about the shortest path tutorials that i watched. During the project class, i have try to create the vines growth based on the knowledge and research that i had. Vines usually grow from the top of the object and the bottom part of the object. There is vines that could wrap themselves around the objects. It require some form of support to them. They have different kind of leaf and stem which i wan to incorporate into this DA so the artist have more variety on it. Be new to Houdini, i think i kind overthink some stuff and make me kind of lost.

So now, in order to keep myself on track. I decided purely focus on getting the vines to grow over a pillar first. Then slowly throw the Vines to different obj and test it to see what the problem, fixing it along the way.

Credit to the tutorial video:

(It is quite a old tutorial, so i did some change to get the results)

Practice, Practice, Practice.

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